Drivers | Doctors | Standards / Forms  | Consultation | Contact  DOT MEDICAL INFORMATION for professional drivers


One Quick Step
DOT Medical Problems Solved

Choose your payment option below to
receive expert advice and "Quick-Step" forms from Pilot Medical Solutions.

Quick-Step forms assure you of the fastest processing for DOT medical certification and include all essential paperwork for $39.95.

Quick-Step forms are emailed to you once your payment is processed.

Pilot Medical Solutions provides several payment options:
Send a check by mail or online! We accept personal or company checks by mail or online with PAYPAL
Make secure payments with your credit card

All major credit cards are accepted.


When paying by credit card or check online,
select "CLICK HERE TO PAY" below.  You will be directed to the PAYPAL system where you can enter your credit card or checking account information. You must create a PAYPAL account to use this service.



Secure PaymentSecure Payments With PAYPAL



We help truckers and other professional drivers with DOT medical certification issues.

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Pilot Medical Solutions  Providing Solutions for Pilots & Professional Drivers Since 1995