Pilot Medical Solutions, Inc.
Internationally Trusted
Pilots and Medical Examiners throughout the world recognize Pilot Medical Solutions as their greatest opportunity for FAA medical certification success. ![]()
Aviation International News calls
LEFTSEAT.com "A Web site devoted
to aviation medicine." AIN article
Here's what airline pilots, AME's and trade pro's are saying about Pilot Medical Solutions:
"Because they assist you in getting your records properly prepared and walking the information through the FAA, they can often accomplish in days what may take months for other sources, including your AME, to do."
Erwin L. Samuelson, M.D., Senior AME, Redondo Beach, CA drerwin@aol.com
"Professional Prompt Service
Captain K. Darby, B-757/767, Atlanta, Georgia
Clear & Accurate Information."
"Stunning! My approval was obtained within 48hours, when the word on the street is that the FAA takes well over a month in the best case.
Thank you for directing my doctor's staff here and for packaging the presentation for a quick result."
Tom B., Phoenix, AZ, tombarnett67 @aol.com
"I received the FAA's unrestricted clearance
and a new medical certificate in only 18 days."
Neil Hauft, ATP, Quintuple Bypass, California
"Pilot Medical Solutions provides professional support
for pilots and AME’s that I believe is crucial
to streamlining aeromedical care."
Dr. Guy Baldwin, Senior AME, Tulsa, Oklahoma gbaldwin @cs.com
"After fourteen years of flying with a special issuance medical certificate, it has been a very pleasant experience to work with Pilot Medical Solutions. You offer such a complete service for getting the certificate promptly. I found your employees to be very courteous, efficient and businesslike, and will certainly use your services again."
Vernon Peppard, Dallas, TX vernio @aol.com
"I would like to thank Pilot Medical Solutions
for the very quick issuance of my pilot certificate,
you submitted my paperwork to the FAA on Thursday,
and I received my certificate by mail in California on Monday."
R. McClure, California, ricknlisa @sbcglobal.net
“I unequivocally recommend Pilot Medical Solutions to the business aviation community and especially to NBAA Members. As a commercial, type-rated pilot who underwent major surgery recently, I had my medical back within a few weeks of my renewal application due exclusively to the efforts of Pilot Medical Solutions.
David Hale and his staff are professional, efficient, cordial and most capable. They know what FAA requires, are intimately familiar with the process, and they get results for their clients
-- promptly and efficiently. I am extremely grateful for their expert guidance and help in
getting me back into the cockpit.”
--Joe Ponte, NBAA Vice President of Membership,
Marketing and Regional Programs (retired)
"Your service is outstanding!
You certainly deliver timely results!"
G. Kryspin, Norwalk, CT gkryspin @aol.com
"I was told that I would never fly again
and for years I had resigned myself to that "fact".
Thanks again and again for accomplishing
what I thought would be impossible."
Seizure Pilot, Oklahoma
"Many thanks to Pilot Medical Solutions for
accomplishing what I had been unable to achieve,
and had been told would be the end of my career.""I now hold an unrestricted First Class Medical Certificate.
After having been through the process with the FAA unassisted,
I would unconditionally recommend
the services of Pilot Medical Solutions".
Captain S. Larsen DC9/MD80, Cardiovascular Pilot, Florida. sfc99 @comcast.net
"Many I spoke with gave me dim hope, with suggestions of months of waiting for medical review in OKC. Well, thanks to you, I received my Second Class medical certificate just 14 days after submission."
James Ham, Cardiovascular Pilot, Oklahoma kelamhomes @prodigy.net
"It's great to be back in the left seat again! Your guidance on cardiac rehab and the careful editing of my FAA submission really impressed my local AME. I could never have put together an effective special issuance package without your help."
Jud Schandel, Angioplasty/Stent Implant Pilot, Hawaii, judschandel @cs.com
"Pilot Medical Solutions removed what I thought was a permanent restriction. You saved my career. Thank you very much!"
Color Vision Pilot, California
"I can't tell you how much I appreciate having my medical back and flying again. David Hale and Pilot Medical Solutions did a miraculous
job in getting me into the air again after prostate surgery.
I am extremely pleased and grateful."
Doctor Arthur Muroff, New York doc88k @inna.net
"Pilot Medical Solutions got my medical back with a phone call!"
Arrhythmia Pilot, Maryland
"Excellent Service"
Repeat Client, Ed Pierce, pierceaero @aol.com
"Your service provided me with the first real chance at my dream of flying. My dreams of flying began at 8 when I was first introduced to a 707 cockpit.
I cannot say thank you enough for an absolutely fantastic job."
Kent Kasten, Insulin Dependent Diabetic, Illinois kkasten @attglobal.net
"I just received my unrestricted second class medical,
needless to say thank you for all your help and support!"
Cancer Pilot, Haiti
"I am in possession of a new
First Class Medical. You guys really came through for me again."
George Geyer, New Jersey, Jetmaster727 @aol.com
"Pilot Medical Solutions promptly and effectively presented
my case to the FAA, which resulted in a favorable outcome.
Their guidance was invaluable and
I believe I could not have achieved similar results
without their assistance.I highly recommend Pilot Medical Solutions
for any medical certification issues."
Bobbi J., Gender Dysphoria, US Flag Carrier, bj38 @aol.com
"I could not believe how quickly I had my medical back"
Larry Omps, CAD Pilot, Virginia, ltomps @adelphia.net
"Thank you for your persistence in getting my medical certification.
I think your service is terrific- and I'll get to realize my dream of flying
even though I'd heard that it couldn't be done!"
Susanne York, Multiple Sclerosis, Texas susanne @winningstaff.com
"Thank you Pilot Medical Solutions for the exemplary service
rendered in the retrieval of my First Class Medical Certificate."
Sean L. Longley, Cardiovascular Pilot, Bahamas saccl @batel.net
"What a great job you have done!"
Doctor Jerry McCabe, Texas hjmccabemd @yahoo.com
"I would like to share my story with everyone.
If it hadn't been for you, I probably would have never flown again.
Thank you very much David and Staff at Pilot Medical Solutions."
Dale Allen, Seizure Pilot, Hawaii, skycraft99 @aol.com
"They do all the work...We get the credit and the thanks from the pilot."
"knowledgeable, quick and well known to the FAA Aeromedical structure... makes the special issuance process a 'breeze'".
Dr. James Butler, Senior AME, Board Certified Aerospace Medicine
support through proactive |
as rehearsals are good for show business, they also can be valuable in the
medical certification process. Pilot Medical Solutions of Tulsa has a
new medical protection program that pre-qualifies pilots before they apply
for their medical certificates." -Business and Commercial Aviation Magazine |
Medical Solutions has comprehensive aeromedical information via its Web
site (www.leftseat.com). |
Medical Solutions is located in Oklahoma and can often accomplish in days
what may take months for other sources, including your AME, to do." |
Medical Solutions, a Tulsa, Oklahoma organization, that specializes in
assisting aviation medical examiners" -EAA Sport Aviation Magazine
Pilot Medical Solutions - EAA's Oshkosh Air Adventure |
company helps pilots protect their medicals" |
program is confidential and aims to provide pilots with a safe environment
for them to face health issues." |
Medical Solutions has a program with the dual objectives of helping pilots
get in shape and assisting them in negotiating the medical process." -FLYING Magazine |
very few pilots are ultimately denied, many pilots suffer needlessly
because they don't prepare or take advantage of help which is available to
them." |
Medical Solutions provides case management services to reduce physician
workload and streamline aeromedical certification." -Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine Journal |
Medical Solutions will retrieve, organize, and submit medical records from
various sources to the FAA in a manner that can facilitate a prompt,
favorable response" -AOPA Pilot Magazine |
Pilot Medical
Solutions is recognized worldwide
as the most accurate and dependable
source for FAA medical certification